Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Just Don't Have a Rant In Me

I'm starting to come out of the anxiety, and into a nice depression. I had a psych appointment today, and they fiddled with some meds. Nothing really ground breaking there. Still at 9 pills a day. Joy.

I tried to come up with an epic, how-I-used-to-do-rants rant. But my heart just isn't in it. Just as an (unrelated--well, kind of related) example, I am going to be doing some stand-up comedy this spring. Since the lithium makes me forgetful and the rest of the meds make me a little foggy, I forget things. So I was writing down my jokes. Guess what happened?

I'm offering an epic rant to the first person that can find my missing joke list.


  1. You do stand up? That is SO cool! I'm exceedingly jealous as I am neither quick enough nor ballsy enough to do stand up.

    Glad you're feeling...better? Less worse? At any rate, hope it's a trend.

    wvs: inkshe- Lydia!

  2. I'm going to guess that it's in a pants or coat pocket. :-D

    Stand up seems like it would be such an awesome experience. Good luck!
