Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Miley Cyrus Owns Your Daughter, and Why She Terrifies Dads Everywhere

This is genius.

Link to the music I'm talking about can be reached by clicking here. Just spelling it out, in case someone doesn't know how Links work.

Genius. Your daughter is in this video. You may not see her, but she's in there. Miley Cyrus' marketing or management or whoever made this video, put all these girls (including your daughter) in this video, a sorority kindred because nearly every teenage girl considers their puppy luv the most important, earth shaking thing in the world.

This is when Miley Cyrus began her real takeover of the world. Every girl that watched it was a part of that video. And your daughter will eventually be the one that makes sure you're out of the way in said conquest. Not by shooting you in the face with a small caliber pistol, but more when she begins dressing and acting like the current, can-be-had-for-X-amount-of-dollars-looking Miley. She's always skirted that line, but she only recently realized, "I'm a leggy little thing," and began dressing in ways we do not want our daughters to emulate.

Yes, you have legs. Everyone does. Please covers them a little more. You're not as head-turning as you think you are, and your management miscalculated. You're not swaying dads, you're making them mad.

Myeh, could be worse. At least she's not the straight up, skeezy, skanky, probably infected with VD's they haven't even named yet piece of amoral white trash known as Kesha.

Yet another thing called a link where you click here and it takes you to a website.

If parents knew that most of the parties their kids go to are like what she's singing about, the party scene would crash. Other parents, please help me crash the party scene.

Also, Kesha is skinny to the point of nasty. I'd rather have my daughter end up like Lady Gaga. No, I'm not linking that freak. If she had Miley's minions, this world would be in trouble.


  1. There are times I'm glad I only have sons.

  2. Wow, watching Kesha is like watching a train wreck. I CAN'T LOOK AWAY I'M SO HORRIFIED!!! When did becoming a trashy party animal become a girl's ideal? Huh? HUH?

  3. Watch out Brad. Those girls are going to be stalking your boys. Girls are evil.

    @ Brandi,
    When MTV started showing reality tv

  4. Lady Gaga = Awesome. I can't pay too much attention to Kesha or Miley. Bleh.
