Monday, November 16, 2009

Life gets in the way of living sometimes

So much to post. Zero time to actually do it. Overwhelmed at work and the wireless at home is spotty, at best. I don't know if the guy we're "borrowing" it from is to blame, but I threw a rock through his window with a note that said, "Pay your Cable bill, deadbeat!". Just in case.

In lieu of actually putting something up, I will leave you with this thought: Ovaltine (both flavors) is a superior milk additive to both Hershey's chocolate syrup and the Nestle Carnation malted milk--especially the vanilla. Blech. The chocolate flavor is close, but Ovaltine wins out due to superior absorption and dispersal while stirring. The Nestle stuff leaves clumps.

Hope to return soon. I don't want this blog to die before it has a chance. If it hasn't already.

I did finally respond to the comments below.


  1. I grew up on Nestle's Quick...ya know, the one with the creepy chocolate bunny? Yeah. That one. But since marrying you, I've succumbed to the awesomeness of Ovaltine.'s more nutritious, not just delicious. Say THAT five times fast. Tee hee. :)

  2. Isn't Ovaltine what they had in A Christmas Story? I can't say I've ever had it. I'm not a fan of chocolate milk. (Yes, I know, I'm weird.)

  3. I like Ovaltine. I can't that it's better tasting than some of the other chocolate mixes, but it does have a nice flavor plus a nice boost of nutrition. I'm a fan of at least the illusion of healthiness to my choco addiction. For hot chocolate though, I prefer Swiss Miss dark. Mmmm.
